Academia Cravatica offers its library catalogue to all poeple interested in the phenomenon of the cravat such as students, people who work in culture or science, the press and researchers. Depening on your needs, we can provide information, advice or help and give acces to our archives if you need to borrow, get a copy or a translation of parts of some works.

Contact us at: info@academia-cravatica.hr


1. Prosenjak, Božidar (2000). The story of the cravat. Zagreb.44 pages. This novel was awarded with the “Grigor Vitez” literary prize and in an interesting and illustrative way it tells how the cravat conquered the world with its symbolic and romantic story about cravat. The book is also published in English and Japanese.

2. Načinović, Daniel and Gregov, Ivan (2003). Veli Jože’s cravat or The Fairy wedding in the Arena in Pula. Zagreb. 25 pages. – a picture-book inspired by the artistic installation «A Cravat around the Arena». It tells a universal love story where a cravat is a symbol and a connection between love and faith.

3. Prosenjak, Božidar (2006). The wild horse. Zagreb. 239 pages. The novel was first published in 1989, and by now it has six editions abroad and in Croatia, two respectable literary awards and the recognition of the public and the critic. It is a story about a noble animal which realises true values in life.

4. Edition-The Chalenge of cravat Krakow and Gdansk, 2006.

5. Edition-The Chalenge of cravat in Cairo and Alexandria. 2005.

6. Edition-The Chalenge of cravat in Mostar. 2004.

7. Edition-The Chalenge of cravat in Johannesburg. 2005.

8. Edition-The Chalenge of cravat in Wienna. 2006.